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mating no birthing no
Nanaimo 2 2
Palartok 3 2
The two packs are based in the Canadian and Alaskan regions, during the 1960s. They thrive, no matter the conditions or disasters which they are struck with. In sticky situations, they pull through as one. Neither distance nor time can stop them. Do you wish to join them on their adventure?
Time and Weather

Nanaimo Territory the area is less elevated, therefore wind is calm and the snow has thinned out

Palartok Territory snow is still somewhat deep, but traveling is not as difficult as before. Springtime will be delayed in this area

Freelands wind is still harsh as always, though snowfall has steadied out and is not so abrupt as before

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RavensbrückRize - A Multi Species Animal RPCanadian and Alaskan Animals

Canadian and Alaskan Animals

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Canadian and Alaskan Animals Empty Canadian and Alaskan Animals

Post  Milena Sat Dec 21, 2013 7:35 am

Bald Eagle - Predator
Wolves rarely will hunt on Bald Eagles, however they are definitely a threat when it comes to pups. Eagles will not hesitate to snatch a pup and take it.

Canadian and Alaskan Animals Bald_eagle_range

Beaver - Prey
There are very little beavers in Yukon, but wolves will feast on them if they get the opportunity.

Canadian and Alaskan Animals Beaver_range

Bison (buffalo) - Prey
When hunting a bison, the wolves will usually do so in a strong group, singling out a weak member and taking it down. Sometimes if they do this to young, the buffalo will chase after them and they can inflict great damage.

Canada Goose - Prey
Canada Geese can be found in Yukon during breeding season. They provide great hunting practice for yearlings.

Canada Lynx - Prey
Canada Lynxes can be found in forested areas and make their dens underneath fallen trees, tree stumps, rock ledges or thick bushes.

Canadian and Alaskan Animals Lynx3

Caribou - Prey
The caribou has a short, stocky body that conserves heat, but its legs are long to help it move through the deep snow. It can run for kilometers to escape wolves, proving a challenge for the hunting pack.

Northern Flying Squirrel - Prey
Although the northern flying squirrels are mainly found in trees, they forage the forest ground for food. They run slowly and clumsily on the ground and, if startled far from a tree, will try to hide.

Grizzly Bear - Predator
Contrary to popular belief, the grizzly bear is not a true hibernator. In the winter its body temperature may drop a few degrees and its respiration may slow slightly, but it can remain active all winter. Despite its large size, the grizzly bear has been known to run at speeds of 55 kilometers per hour. It has well developed senses of smell and hearing that compensates for its poor eyesight.

Moose - Prey
Moose are powerful swimmers, sometimes diving 5.5 meters or more for plants at the bottom of a lake. Moose live on the margins of lakes, muskegs and streams of the boreal forest, on the rocky, wooded hillsides of the western mountain ranges and now even northward through the transition forest that extends to the open tundra.

Pacific Loon - Prey
Pacific loons are built to be swimmers. Their three-toed webbed feet help them paddle through the water and their wings help them steer. Pacific loons are also exceptional divers. When on land, the Pacific loon looks extremely awkward because its legs aren’t designed for walking. When attempting to fly, the Pacific loon is not very graceful. In order to become airborne, the Pacific loon needs about 30 to 50 m of take-off space. It usually skids across the water’s surface, furiously flapping its wings before it finally leaves the water.

Canadian and Alaskan Animals Pacific_loon_range

Peregrine Falcon - Prey
Wolves don't usually hunt Peregrine Falcons, nor are the birds a threat.

Porcupine - Prey
A peaceful animal, the porcupine will try to run away if it feels there’s danger. They’ll make loud chattering noises as a warning for predators to leave. If they can’t get away, their muscles tighten forcing their quills to come out. Animals like bears, bobcats, lynx, wolves and coyotes have been known to hunt them by flipping them on their backs.

Red Fox - Prey
The red fox generally lives on the edges of wooded areas, prairies and farmlands. When the red fox is not breeding, it sleeps in the open and keeps warm by wrapping itself with its long bushy tail. Red foxes are nocturnal, but it’s not unusual for them to be spotted during the day. They also have exceptional sight, smell and hearing abilities which makes them excellent hunters. Wolves will rarely hunt red foxes, unless they are sick, old or injured.

Salmon - Prey
When salmon is available, wolves will cut down on hunting on ground. They usually catch salmon individually, although it can prove a very tricky task.

Snowy Owl - Prey
These owls prefer a snowy habitat where they can disguise their white bodies. They tend to live in tree tops and build their nests in the brush of high areas. Snowy owls choose a breeding partner and usually stay with that owl for the rest of their lives.

Canadian and Alaskan Animals Snowy_owl_range

Wolverine - Prey
Wolverines are fierce animals. They have strong, sharp teeth and semi-retractable claws that they use for digging, climbing and scaring away predators. Their paws are large and furry, and act as snowshoes that keep wolverines from sinking into the snow. Cougars, bears, and wolves are animals that have been known to kill and eat wolverines.

Gender : Female
Age : 29
Location : straya
Posts : 110
Points : 3886
Join date : 2013-12-16

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